Thursday, September 16, 2010

Snow Shovelling Service Flyers

"I know that you offer to design posters, but I need a flyer made and I was wondering if you could help me out? 
It's for a new snow shoveling business that I am trying to start and the flyer will be deposited in many mailboxes around my neighborhood. What it needs to include is an advertisement of an avg. price of $125/month, pending on individual estimates or $30 avg. for s single snow removal. It also needs to have my phone number, which I will provide if you are interested in making the flyer. I would like it to head off with a header somewhere around the lines of "Shovelling snow getting to you?" or "Are you dreading the winter snow that will soon be piling up on your driveway and sidewalks?" or somewhere along those lines. A picture, clipart or anything would be great as well. The flyer will be printed out black/white, most likely on colored paper so color is not an issue. If you are interested in doing this for me, please get back to me through here or email."


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